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Library Databases (Electronic Resources): Search Tips & Periodical Types

To access the Databases from off-campus, you must log into MyMonroe.* If you are unable to see the Library Resources icon, please call IT at 646-393-8290 and request correction of your status from "Member" to "Student."

Some Quick Tips to Help You Search

* If searching off-campus, log into MyMonroe for remote access.

* If you receive an authentication error message, clear your browser's cache and reopen the database. 

* If you have problems accessing a database, contact the library at 646-393-8333 or

* Click "full-text" box to eliminate abstracts (summaries) only from search results.

* Use the citation tools within the database to format your citations according to APA or MLA rules.

* Try variant keyword terms in your searches to get the results you want.  If you're getting too many hits, narrow your search by typing in more specific search terms;  If too few results, broaden your search terms.

* Limit to full-text. If you see a check box marked full-text, click on it. 

Periodical Types



There are generally three (3) types of publications, which you should distinguish as follows: 

Peer-Reviewed /
Scholarly Journals

Trade Journals

Popular Magazines


Scholars, researchers, practitioners.

Members of a specific business, industry or organization.

General public.


Experts in the field (ie faculty members, researchers).

Authors named and institutional affiliations given.

Magazine staff members, contributing authors or freelance writers.

Authors usually named.

Magazine staff members, journalists, freelance writers.

Authors may be anonymous (ie articles are unsigned).


Editorial board of outside scholars (peer review)

Editors work for publisher.

Editors work for publisher.


Often a scholarly or professional organization or a university press.

Often a trade organization.

Commercial, for profit.


Research projects, methodology, literary criticism, and theory.

Industry trends, new products or techniques, and organizational news.

News, personalities and general interest articles.

Writing Style
and Language

Terminology, jargon & language of the discipline covered. Assumes reader has s scholarly background.

Uses terminology and language of trade or industry covered.

Easy to read, simple language used.

Aimed at the layperson.

or Bibliographies

Articles include a bibliography, references, notes and/or works cited section

Articles may have short bibliographies.

Articles rarely include references.



Journal of Abnormal Psychology


JAMA Open – the Open-Access arm of the Journal of the American Medical Association

Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce

Corrections Today

CyTA Journal of Food

Psychology Today

Vice Magazine 

Game Informer