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APA 7th Edition: Reference Page

This guide gives the basic rules of using APA Format . Learn how to: write an abstract; format headings; format in-text citations; and construct your References page.

What is a Reference Page?

The Reference page provides information on the sources you cited in your paper. It is the last page of your essay or research paper.

Format a Hanging Indent in MS Word or Google Docs

Format a Hanging Indent in Microsoft Word

First, select the citation you wish to format.


Next, in Paragraph Toolbar,


(Tiny arrow in corner of toolbar - should generate a Paragraph Tools popout window.)



In PopOut Window, select : Indentation / Special / Hanging / By: 0.5" (important)!


Format a Hanging Indent in Google Docs

First, select the citation you wish to format.


Next, iFormat toolbar, select: 
Align & Indent > Indentation Options > Special > Hanging > By: 0.5"


 Google Docs Hanging Indent Screen Cap      

References Page Setup

**NOTE: In APA 7th ed., the Running head is no longer required for student papers.**

  • Your references should begin on a new page separate from the text of the essay.

  • Title this page References centered and bolded at the top of the page.

  • All text should be double-spaced just like the rest of your essay.

  • Citations are listed in alphabetical order. (Default is author's last name)

Whichever font you choose, the selected font should be used consistently throughout the entire paper.
View sample citations for online media in various formats on the APA website.

Citation Key & Examples

Citation Key

Your citation needs to show the who, when, what, and where of your source material - in that order.


Common Sample Reference Citations from the APA