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Library Databases (Electronic Resources): All Databases

To access the Databases from off-campus, you must log into MyMonroe.* If you are unable to see the Library Resources icon, please call IT at 646-393-8290 and request correction of your status from "Member" to "Student."

What is a Library Database?

A library database is a searchable electronic index of published, reliable resources

Library Databases provide access to useful research materials from academic journals, newspapers, ebooks, book chapters, and magazines. 

List of Databases

List of Databases

Access to Library Resources Gadget on MyMonroe

 To access the Electronic Databaseslog in to MyMonroe and select the Library Resources Gadget. 

* If you are unable to see the Library Resources icon when you log into MyMonroe
please call IT at 646-393-8290 and request correction of your status from "Member" to "Student" (see illustration below).


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